Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Name!

I know at the end of the last blog, I promised that the next blog would include a name for our little girl. Obviously I have been slacking in the blogging department :-). The name we decided on is (drumroll, please)....Claire Hughes Higginbotham! This is actually the very first name we discussed and after exploring many other options we arrived right back where we started.

We originally thought that Claire was a family name, but later found out that it wasn't, but by then we really like the name. Hughes is my mother's maiden name and, therefore, the last name of my maternal grandparents. I never met my maternal grandfather, as he passed away before I was born, but I have been told that I am very much like him! As most of you know, Ellen and I were extremely close to our Grandma though, who many of you knew as Miss Isabel. Many have asked why we didn't use the name Isabel, but we thought Isabel Higginbotham was just too many syllables and quite the mouthful. Also, Ellen called dibs on the name Isabel for any future daughters she may have on the day that I became a Higginbotham. Won't it be ironic if she ends up with an equally long last name :-)!

Not surprisingly, the monogramming has begun in earnest. Sweet little Claire already has several things with her name on it! I am also attempting to learn to sew and plan to make the nursery bedding. So far I am stuck on the picking out a fabric part, which doesn't bode well for the completion of this project in the next 11 weeks. And, of course, we can't pick a paint color until I pick the fabric so John is stalled on painting the nursery as well.

Luckily we already have the furniture for the nursery, thanks to my sweet parents. My mom and dad let me pick out the nursery furniture as their gift at the Las Vegas furniture market back in August and it was delivered about a month ago. Between my dad, Ellen, and John we got the furniture hauled from Cullman to our basement in Birmingham a few weeks ago. This weekend John and his Dad are going to move the furniture upstairs to the nursery. As you can see, setting up the nursery has definitely been a family affair and we are just getting started!