Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Kate turns One!!

A few weeks late... but we recently celebrated Kate's 1st Birthday!  Party planning is not my thing so we enjoy getting to do a small family affair until children are old enough to know the difference!  We were fortunate to have both sets of grandparents and aunts, uncle, and baby cousin here for her mini-celebration!

As many of you have heard me say, Kate bring such joy to our family!  At one she is walking (wobbling as Claire calls it), says Daddy and almost says baby! Baby dolls are one of her favorite things and she is toting one around much of the time!  She wants to be anywhere big sister is and thinks she is big enough to do everything big sister does. She has no fear and has no concept of sharing yet.  If you have it and she wants it, she will take it (or pull your hair until you give it to her).  If she doesn't get what she wants she pitches a huge fit!  This little spitfire has a temper!  But I love that about her- she is not a pushover and knows what she wants!  She is not your typical laid-back second child at all!

She thoroughly enjoys eating and some of her favorites are diced tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, corn on the cob, and pimento cheese! She is a very messy eater though and loves to spread it in her hair!  I have to sweep under her chair after every meal and she takes lots of baths!! Speaking of baths, Kate loves the water!  This is totally new to me because Claire has always been very wary of the water.  Kate loves to stick her face under the faucet on the bath tub, lean over and stick her face in the water, and in the pool she is like a fish!  I think if we let her go she could almost swim already. She kicks her feet and waves her arms and fights you to try and stick her head under the whole time!

Kate's nickname is BooBoo.  Not sure where it came from or why, but both her Daddy and Claire call her that almost 100 percent of the time.  I am the only one in the family that calls her Kate!  She responds to either name! Claire and Kate love each other very much and already have fun playing together, but they also fight like normal siblings!  I knew this was coming down the road, but had no idea my main role with a 1 year old and 3 year old would be Chief Referee!

Happy First Birthday Kate!  We love you and this year has flown by!

We also took a chance while the whole family was together to get an updated Higginbotham family photo with baby Caleb!